Do not miss to see the hippo on a boat ride at Queen Elizabeth National Park

Uganda is home to thousands of hippopotami found in abundance in four national parks; Queen Elizabeth Park, Murchison Falls Park, Semliki Park and Lake Mburo.  Hippopotamus (Greek word meaning River Horse are Herbivores and primarily eat grass, stripping the areas of their habitats such as Kazinga Channel and near the River Nile at Murchison Falls. They generally feed at night consuming up to a 150 pounds of vegetation. During the daytime they stay in water to shield against the sun, although they do not swim but bounce on the bottom of the lake or river. The bodies of hippos emit a natural red sunscreen which some refer to as blood sweat.

They are the second largest land animal in the world, only the elephant is bigger and they are the third heaviest animal in the world, with only elephants and rhinos weighing more.  A full-grown hippo can weigh between 1 1/2 to 3 tons (1500-3000kgs) with males being larger than females. Even though they may weigh as much, they are surprisingly fast – in fact they can run faster than humans (30 to 40 kilometers an hour for short distances). Hippos are related to whales.

Their life span is 40 to 50 years, they both reproduce and give birth while in the water.  They grow in size until they are about 25 years in age.  They live in pods, male hippos are bulls, females are cows, and baby hippos are referred to as calves.  Hippos are considered some of the most dangerous animals in the world and fishermen as well as villagers in areas near the habitats have been killed on an encounter with a hippo.  When on foot and a hippo is near – keep your distance for your well-being.

Hippos are hunted for their meat, hide and tusks that are sold as ivory. Communities surrounding their habitats also hunt the animals which they consider dangerous. 

Recommended location:

Hippo Hill camp is well known to be a lavish camp located within the heart of Queen Elizabeth National Park. It was opened in 2006 and it’s more positioned in the shield zone of the park near Katwa town. The camp provides a magnificent view of Kitako as well as Kabazimu Islands. This park is enclosed by Lake Edward, Katwe Salt Lake along with Munyanyange Crater Lake. It’s also surrounded with large concentrations of buffaloes, flamingos and other wildlife.

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