Ideological re-orientation and economic stability: A message from President Museveni

In a profound address to military students and staff members of Botswana Defence Command and Staff College, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, Uganda’s Commander in Chief of the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF), shared insights into the transformative journey that has led Uganda to its current state of stability. The President emphasized the significance of an ideological and philosophical shift as the foundation for the nation’s success.

The President’s address underlined the importance of an ideological and philosophical shift as the catalyst for Uganda’s stability. This shift has laid the foundation for future growth, characterized by regional integration and socio-economic transformation. As Uganda continues to evolve, these principles remain instrumental in the pursuit of prosperity and stability.

A Shift Toward Politics of Interest

President Museveni attributed Uganda’s present stability to a substantial shift in ideology, specifically moving away from politics based on identity and emphasizing politics rooted in interest. He highlighted that before the advent of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) government 37 years ago, Uganda was plagued by turmoil and had become a failed state. However, with the right ideology, the nation managed to rise from its challenges, fostering peace and progressive development.

Promotion of Politics of Interest

The President urged the students to consistently promote politics of interest, stressing its vital role in the prosperity of their respective countries. He explained that politics based on identity, such as tribe, religion, or race, was insufficient in addressing the fundamental needs of the people, which encompassed basic requirements like food, shelter, jobs, and wealth. By redirecting the focus towards these essential needs, the government initiated a new ideological foundation.

A Nation’s Prosperity Through Production

President Museveni underscored the significance of a society’s ability to produce goods and services, sell them, and thereby earn money. He illustrated the transition Uganda underwent, emphasizing the importance of patriotism toward the nation rather than exclusively identifying with one’s tribe. The President acknowledged that by loving Uganda as a whole, rather than a particular tribal affiliation, the nation’s citizens found a greater source of wealth and prosperity.

Regional Integration for Economic Growth

Recognizing that Uganda’s internal market was insufficient for its prosperity, the President advocated for East African integration. He pointed out that East Africa’s market, along with broader African markets, were vital for Uganda’s economic growth. The principles of patriotism and Pan-Africanism became the driving forces behind the quest for regional collaboration.

Socio-Economic Transformation

To achieve social and economic transformation, the President emphasized the necessity of involving all adults in the money economy. This transformation entailed four key sectors: commercial agriculture, manufacturing, services, and information and communication technology (ICT). By encouraging citizens to participate in these sectors, Uganda witnessed a shift in its society, transitioning from a predominantly agrarian economy to a more diversified and prosperous one.

A Strong Democracy

The President’s fourth principle was democracy, emphasizing a government “for the people, by the people.” He credited this new way of thinking for the stability Uganda enjoys today. By focusing on competence and inclusivity rather than sectarianism, Uganda managed to build a strong and capable army.

Value Addition and Knowledge Economy

President Museveni discouraged the exportation of raw materials and encouraged adding value to these resources to maximize benefits. He highlighted Uganda’s efforts to introduce a knowledge economy, with a focus on education and scientific advancements. These initiatives continue to contribute to the country’s long-term stability and economic growth.

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