Uganda will provide more arms to solve security challenges in Somalia

President Yoweri Museveni has assured his counterpart of Somalia, H.E Hassan Sheik Mohamud, that Uganda will provide more equipment to Somalia to solve the security challenges in the East African nation. President Museveni made the remarks during a meeting between the two leaders on Monday October 10, at State House, Entebbe.

President Mohamud was in the country to join other leaders who were part of celebrations of Uganda’s 60 years of Independence. “We shall give you more equipment to address the security situation. We in the region can work towards providing equipment. You should have a plan to build a national army. The people must build their army to defend themselves,” President Museveni assured the visiting Somalian leader.

President Mohamud saluted President Museveni for sending the Uganda contingent of UPDF, noting that it has played a big role in ensuring security in Somalia. He revealed that the Somalian army has made big strides in promoting security, adding that the community has cooperated with the army in its work. He was optimistic that within the next six months, his Government would have attained total victory over the Al- Shabaab terrorists.

Uganda was the first to deploy troops under AMISOM into Somalia in March 2007. So far, Uganda has provided all four AMISOM Force Commanders with the recent outgoing Lt. Gen. Andrew Gutti being replaced by Lt. Gen. Silas Ntigurirwa from Burundi.

The Ugandan contingent remains the largest contingent in AMISOM with 6,223 troops based in Sector 1 which comprises of Banadir (Mogadishu), Middle and Lower Shabelle regions. They are led by Sector Commander, Brig. Dick Olum, who replaced Brig. Michael Ondoga. The current Deputy Force Commander Operations and Planning Major General Geoffrey Baraba Muheesi hails from Uganda.
Until now, Uganda has deployed 12 battle groups into the Mission area. The recently deployed Battle Group 12 joined their Burundian counterparts in Baidoa.

President Museveni also told his guest that the Ugandan Government has made progress in overcoming the Ebola disease. He observed that it is easier to control Ebola than Covid-19 because the former is spread through contact and not air-bone like the latter.

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