Uganda’s president announces air force attack on ADF terrorists, rebel positions weakening in DR Congo

In a recent statement to the public, the President of Uganda, Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has provided crucial updates regarding a significant Air Force operation against ADF (Allied Democratic Forces) terrorists.

Operation Success on September 16, 2023

In his statement, Mr Museveni reveals that on the 16th of September, 2023, the Ugandan Air Force conducted a successful operation targeting four ADF terrorist locations situated between 100 and 150 kilometers from the Ugandan border in the Ntoroko area. “This precise strike was made possible by intelligence gathered by our Special Duties Regiments (SDR), equipped with advanced reconnaissance assets,” the statement reads in part.

Notable Terrorist Elimination

“Intelligence reports suggest that numerous terrorists, including the notorious figure Meddie Nkalubo, responsible for several bombings in Kampala, were eliminated in the operation. Meddie Nkalubo had orchestrated attacks near the Police Station, Parliament, as well as recent discoveries near Kayanja’s Church and the Bunamwaya area,” he states, adding:  “Those who have been causing harm to Ugandans will realize the consequences of their actions. We have the capability to reach them anywhere, with the cooperation of our neighboring countries.”

Appreciation for Collaboration

“We extend our gratitude to His Excellency Felix Tshisekedi for permitting us to collaborate with the Congolese Army in liberating this region of Congo from these ruthless criminals. We are also seeking justice for the atrocities committed, including the tragic killing of the Nyabugaando children, the Sheikhs, Major Kiggundu, Gen. Katumba’s daughter, Joan Kagezi, and many others. Those involved in these heinous acts will face the consequences unless they choose to surrender.”

Background on Joint Operations

The joint operations against the ADF rebel group began in November 2021, following ADF’s bomb attacks in Kampala. The ADF, a faction of the Islamic State in Central Africa, is a Ugandan rebel group hiding in the jungles of eastern DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo). They have caused havoc in eastern DRC villages.

Continued Success of Joint Operations

Earlier in August, the UPDF (Uganda People’s Defence Forces) and Congolese military jointly rescued 30 abductees from the ADF rebels during operations in eastern DRC. Since November 2021, this joint effort has resulted in the deaths of at least 548 ADF rebels and the recovery of weaponry.

According to UPDF spokesperson Katamba, the ADF’s capacity to wage war has significantly decreased. The rebels have suffered losses in terms of manpower and weaponry.

Recovery and Future Plans

The joint forces have captured significant quantities of weapons and ammunition, including submachine guns, PMK machine guns, and mortars. Additionally, they have rescued 156 people, including children who had been abducted by the rebels. Those rescued are currently receiving medical care.

The operation has now entered its third phase in the 3rd sector of deployment in Mwalika Valley, located in North Kivu, south of Beni, near the Ugandan border.

The President’s statement highlights the nation’s resolute commitment to countering terrorism and securing the safety of its citizens. The joint efforts between Uganda and the DRC hold promise for achieving lasting peace and security in the region.

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